*FREE cancellation does not apply to Non-Refundable Deals
Your Credit Card will be processed as soon as the booking is made.

Non-refundable bookings are exactly that, Non-refundable, and we strongly recommend you take out Travel Insurance. You can cancel your booking, but no refund is possible.

Bookings made direct and through our Booking Button: cancellation up until 3 pm, 24 hours prior to the date of arrival.

Cancellation within 48 hours, then 100% of your total stay will be charged as the cancellation fee.

Only written, dated requests for cancellation will be taken into account and upon receipt by the Hotel/Resort all sums due by the operator for a complete cancellation shall be due and payable
Where a group or any room reserved by the group fails to show at the Hotel/Resort on the appointed date, this shall be regarded as a cancellation and the operator will be invoiced for the daily contracted rate for the duration of the reservation unless an arrangement has been accepted by an individual Hotel/Resort

A status report will be provided by the operator 90 days and 60 days prior to arrival and at other times as requested by the Hotel/Resort. Final status of rooms is required no later than thirty days prior to a group’s arrival unless otherwise specified. Meal arrangements must be advised no later than 7 days prior to a group’s arrival. Should the operator fail to supply the required information the Hotel/Resort reserves the right to release the reserved rooms unless otherwise agreed with the Hotel/Resort in writing.
No refund for early check out or mid stay check out applies


Prior to 45 days
Forfeit of 10% deposit but no cancellation fees apply if the entire or partial group cancels

30 to 44 days from arrival
Forfeit of 10% deposit and up to 50% of rooms remaining at 30 to 44 days from arrival be cancelled without penalty Cancellations in excess of 50% of such rooms are subject to a one‐night cancellation charge per room
Entire cancellation of the group is subject to a fee equal to the greater of
(a) 50% of the total accommodation charge for the intended duration of the group or
(b) a one‐night accommodation charge for all rooms cancelled

14 to 29 days from arrival
Forfeit of 10% deposit and 10% of rooms remaining at 14 to 29 days from arrival, may be cancelled with a penalty
Cancellations in excess of 10% of such rooms are subject to a one‐night cancellation charge per room
Entire cancellation of the group is subject to a fee equal to the greater of
(a) 50% of the total accommodation charge for the intended duration of the group or
(b) a one‐night accommodation charge for all rooms cancelled

7 to 13 days from arrival
Forfeit of 10% deposit and any cancellations made are subject to a fee equal to the
(a) 50% of the total accommodation charge for the intended duration of the group or
(b) a one‐night accommodation charge for all rooms cancelled

Within 7 days from arrival
Any cancellations made are subject to a cancellation fee equivalent to the total accommodation charge for the duration of the cancelled booking.

Copyright ©2025 La Quinta by Wyndham Queenstown, All Rights Reserved.